Part 2. National Defense Policy

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Chapter 4. National Defense Policy Implementation
/Section 1. Enhance Force Buildup Efforts

By referring to enemy threats, evaluating domestic and overseas security environments, and assessing the country's financial status, the MND has adopted the innovative / asymmetric concepts to formulate force buildup objectives and structure. With optimal cost performance in mind, the MND has been planning to procure necessary weapon systems in order to create a lean military force capable of deterring threats and preventing wars.

I. Continue Force Restructuring

( I ) Concepts for Restructuring

The ROC Armed Forces Jingtsui force streamlining program was concluded by the end of 2014 to reach the goal of the total number of military personnel at 215,000. The MND will follow the concepts of resources integration, and adopting new technology and equipment to replace conventional labor, so as to create a military force with optimal structure and size for combat performance.

( II ) Directions for Organizational Fine-tuning

The MND is heading to flatten organizational hierarchy in order to optimize command and control capacities, accelerate decision making and command processes, and strengthen joint operational capabilities for all service branches. In addition, low efficient and labor-intensive equipment shall also be replaced with high efficient weapon equipment and systems to reduce requirements on manpower.

II. Build Modernized National Defense Force

( I ) Planning Principles

Guided by top-down force buildup and resources allocation concept, and the cost-effective principle that one equipment with multiple functions fits all service branches, the MND has been instilling systematic management and one-fits-all thinking in building up its joint operational capabilities. Attentions shall be paid accordingly to the establishment of fundamental capabilities, innovative / asymmetric capabilities, force preservation, as well as disaster prevention and relief capacities.

( II ) Key Focuses for Force Buildup

 1. Fundamental capabilities

Procure new weapons and equipment, such as diesel-electric submarines, high performance surface vessels (boats), new utility helicopters, ship-borne multi-role helicopters, and advanced fighters with stealth, long-range, and beyond visual range (BVR) combat capabilities.

    2. Innovative / asymmetric capabilities

Establish air-dropped sea mines and enhance mine-laying capabilities. In addition, develop crucial items, such as precision strike weapons, unmanned aerial systems (UAS), and electronic surveillance countermeasure systems.

 3. Force preservation

Establish installations by transforming them to be mobile, subterranean, or into fortified tunnels and bunkers. Enhance camouflage and deception measures for critical facilities and strengthen survivability of joint command, control, communications, and computer installations.

 4. Disaster prevention and relief

Procure fire fighting vehicles, heavy sterilization equipment, medical logistics and medical equipment, meteorological equipment and other related disaster relief equipment.

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