Part 2. National Defense Policy

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Chapter 4. National Defense Policy Implementation
/Section 6. Enhance Crisis Response

The MND shall follow the ROC Armed Forces Regulations on Peacetime Contingencies Response to guide the ROC Armed Forces to conduct contingency response procedures. Additionally, to achieve the goal of preventing domestic contingencies and external attacks, the MND shall initiate a comprehensive response by asking all combat ready QRFs and specialized counter-terrorism units to handle contingencies adequately.

I. Military Crisis

Guided by the principle of prevention of war and handling crisis with prudence, the ROC Armed Forces have prescribed clear-cut operational procedures and regulations to adopt the joint operational command mechanism to closely monitor airspace and waters in the vicinity of our territories in peacetime, on the basis of not provoking incidents, not escalating conflicts, and reducing hostilities, while maintaining the posture of no show of fear, no show of backing down, and no show of timidity. Moreover, the MND has been conducting simulated exercises to help our forces to be proficient in relevant operational procedures to further sharpen their capabilities in handling contingencies. By so doing, when real contingency arises, they may quickly seize and control the situation, and mitigate possible damages.

II. Counter-terrorism Operations

Following the guidance of the Executive Yuan, the ROC Armed Forces have equipped and readied counter-terrorism forces according to their capabilities and possible nature of terrorist attacks. When authorized, they will be called upon to support contingent counter-terrorism operations. When terrorist attack occurs in the country, as per requests from Executive Yuan National Security Response Center, the ROC Armed Forces Joint Operations Command Center will assign specialized and professional QRFs in the region to support in counter-terrorism operations.

III. Disaster Relief

With inherent duty to defend the country and the people, the ROC Armed Forces have taken disaster prevention and relief as one of their core missions. Facing the threat of complex disasters, the MND has been engaging in various disaster prevention and relief operations, and assigning forces to assist local governments in various disaster prevention works as per the Disaster Prevention and Protection Act and government policies, so as to protect the lives, properties, and families of the people.


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