Part 4. All-out Defense

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In order to realize the all-out defense pr inciples of being inclusive, total participation, total defense, and being reliable, the MND has been pushing forward its all-out defense education accordingly. Following the guidelines of incorporating mobilization efforts with policy
implementation and integrating operational preparedness with economic development, the MND has been working with various governmental agencies and local governments to make preparations for all-out defense mobilization.
Furthermore, to establish national defense policies more appealing to public opinions, we have also been doing disaster relief and prevention, f ishery protection, and dual services for military and civilian personnel to help the people in need so as to demonstrate the ROC Armed Forces’ enthusiasm to serve for the people in a substantive fashion, and render a highly trustworthy image that the people can depend upon. By so doing, we may create a nation-wide atmosphere in support of our national defense efforts, facilitating people's participation in national defense activities, and ultimately achieve the objectives of all-out defense.

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