Part 2. National Defense Policy

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Chapter 4. National Defense Policy Implementation
/Section 7. Improve Care for Service Members

In order to provide proper care for active service members and their families, the MND has been enhancing existing mechanisms and working with Friends of Armed Forces Association to cater to actual service members' requirements.

I. Perfect Services by the Friends of the Armed Forces

The MND has been working with the existing social service platforms, such as the Friends of Armed Forces Association, which is an aggregate corporation, to pay respectful visits to veterans, give financial assistance to dependents (including conscripts' families) in urgent needs, and make bedside or condolence visits to wounded personnel or families of deceased personnel in the line of duty for the purposes of improving ROC Armed Forces morale and dignity, alleviating their worries for families and focusing their attention on their training and missions.

II. Make Creative Services of Commissaries

In accordance with the Management and Implementation Regulations of Commissaries of ROC Armed Forces, the MND has set up commissaries in military installations, and procure 2 mobile commissary vehicles to provide convenient and diverse selections of daily necessities for forces undertaking operational duties, training, and disaster relief operations as well as units in remote areas, so as to expand the service coverage. In addition, we have adopted the concept of e-commerce, and improved the functions of the ROC Armed Forces Commissary Card to improve quality services to all service members.

III. Refine Services for Military Families

In order to maximize the effectiveness of military families services provided by all service branches, the ROC Armed Forces Dependents Services Management Association has been established to pool together resources and funds from all public-sector organizations under the supervision of the MND.

IV. Provide Housing Solutions

To provide housing solutions for service members and their families, and enhance recruitment incentives for the Volunteer Military System in accordance with current laws (and rules) governing the reconstruction of military families' villages, the MND has released remaining housing units from reconstructed military families' accommodation complexes for active duty service members to purchase at full prices and provided temporary and transitional accommodations for active service members in urgent needs or on short-term lease. Providing housing units in government-operated apartment complexes in Taipei City has also been considered, so as to offer more diverse solutions to fulfill the policy of taking good care of military families.


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