Part 4. All-out Defense

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Chapter 7. People's Participation in National Defense
/Section 2. Passing on a Glorious Historical Legacy

Since its founding at the Whampoa Military Academy, the National Revolutionary Army (NRA, aka the ROC Armed Forces as of present day ) has fought in the Eastern Expedition, Northern Expedition, Anti-Communist Counter-Insurgency War, War of Resistance against Japan and Taiwan Strait Crises, and it has played a dutifully role as a stabilizing force responsible for maintaining peace in the region. Now, its role and legacy have passed onto the ROC Armed Forces to follow the spirit of sacrifice, unity, and duty to fight courageously for the survival and future development of our country and the welfare and livelihood of our people no matter what external invasions, natural disasters, and malicious unrests might come. The glorious history of our armed forces does not only show they have played a key role in the development of our country, but it should also be acknowledged by all the people.

I. Promoting Major Historical Achievements of the ROC Armed Forces

( I ) Preparing for Commemorative Events and Increasing Public Participation

Since May 2014, five open house events have been held in Northern, Central, Southern and Eastern Taiwan. Military units that served with distinction during the War of Resistance against Japan were prioritized to join the events to showcase their active equipment, historical items, and combat skills so as to highlight the significance of passing on our military legacy. In addition, we have worked with the Academia Historica to organize a commemorative exhibition, and hosted a special exhibition in the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial to provide a truthful depiction of the War of Resistance Against Japan to reveal the fact that the ROC Armed Forces fought on the side of the US, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union during the war and that we led the mainstay resistance against Japanese aggression during the war. We have also held commemorative musical events, national academic seminars, and other ceremonies to commemorate the martyrs who fought in the war and illustrate the historical importance of the Victory of War of Resistance against Japan.

( II ) Employing Diversified Channels and Planning for Innovative Cultural Promotion Programs

To strengthen the sense of patriotism of service members and rectify historical perspectives, we have aired a purchased documentary series on the War of Resistance against Japan, titled Winning Every Inch of Land with Blood on the Chu-Kuang Garden program of the Chinese Television System (CTS) channel, co-produced a documentary of the 70th Anniversary of the War of Resistance against Japan in the ROC Air Force's Perspective with the General Association of Chinese Culture, and published commemorative calendars of Brave Warriors, Our National Soul, and commemorative painting and photo albums for free to the public in order to create a positive atmosphere in our society. Furthermore, we have been using social media websites, such as Facebook, YouTube, etc., to disseminate promotional articles and summaries, and organizing open selections for commemorative logo designs and on-line quizzes with prizes in order to increase the people's participation and enhance the effectiveness of our promotion campaigns.

1.2.3.The year of 2015 marks the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of War of Resistance against Japan and the Retrocession of Taiwan. To commemorate the historical truth of our bloody struggle, show the real facade of the war to the international community, and honor the sacrifices and contributions done by the service members, we have hosted a series of commemorative events to highlight the fact that the ROC government served as the main bulwark in the War against the Japanese aggression and should have the right to justify its role of historical importance in the war

4.5.We have invited fellow veterans of the War of Resistance against Japan, surviving dependents of the martyrs, foreign friends who kindly assisted us during the war, and descendants of anti -Japanese resistance martyrs of Taiwan origin to attend our commemorative events to express our gratitude and respect for their courageous deeds. During the events, the veterans donned wartime uniforms to revive their valiant looks in the war, and they received heartfelt salutes and respect of our fellow citizens. The commemorative medals for the Victory of the Republic of China in the War of Resistance against Japan were also presented to them in order to honor their spirit of selfless sacrifice and patriotism.

( III ) Carrying on the Spirit of Struggle and Honoring the Martyrs

The year 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of our country's Victory of War of Resistance against Japan and the Retrocession of Taiwan. To commemorate the historical truth of the bloody and heroic struggle made by all the people and service members during the war, show the real facade of the war to the international community, and honor the sacrifices and contributions done by the service members, we have hosted a series of commemorative events to promote the true history of the War of Resistance Against Japan, honor our brave martyrs, and forge a universal all-out defense consensus for all the people.

1. Planning Commemorative Events

By pooling all resources together from relevant governmental agencies, we have hosted special exhibitions on war literatures and historical items, international academic seminars, exhibition on the truth of the War of Resistance against Japan, and commemorative musicals and ceremonies, and even issued specific publications accordingly. By so doing, we have stressed the role of the ROC Armed Forces, through its blood and toil, in leading to the eventual victory of the War of Resistance against
Japan, which is an critical part of allied operations of the Second World War, and revealed that the retrocession of Taiwan is inseparable from our victory in the war so as to demonstrate the historical fact that our government led the major efforts in the War of Resistance against Japan, and we reserves the right to justifiably interpret our righteous role in the history of the war (per Appendix 7-5).

2. Honoring Veterans and Heroes

The MND has invited veterans of the War of Resistance against Japan, surviving families of the martyrs, foreign friends who kindly assisted us during the war, and descendants of anti-Japanese resistance martyrs of Taiwan origin to attend various commemorative events in order to express our gratitude and respect for their courageous deeds. President Ma Ying-jeou also personally presented these veterans with the commemorative medals for the War of Resistance against Japan. During the Demonstration of National Defense Capabilities at Hukou on 4 July 2015, 24 veterans donned the wartime uniforms to revive their valiant looks in the face of Japanese onslaught. To honor their spirit of selfless sacrifice and patriotism, these veterans and heroes were invited to take the first motorcade, and received respectful salutes from fellow citizens as they passed the reviewing platform.

3. Conferring Commemorative Medals

To express our gratitude for the veterans who fought in the War of Resistance against Japan and their invaluable contributions, the MND has stipulated an administrative directive of conferring the Commemorative Medal for the Victory of the War of Resistance against Japan with broadened eligibility applied. For the purpose of honoring them, retirees or veterans who fought (or served) in the war as officers, NCOs, and enlisted members of the ROC Armed Forces before 3 September 1945 and whose service records have been verified accordingly, are eligible to be conferred with the medals.

II. Planning for the National Military Museum

To honor the contributions of the ROC Armed Forces to safeguard the nation and people and the wartime resistance of the people of Taiwan against foreign occupation, and to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the War of Resistance against Japan and the Retrocession of Taiwan, the MND has been planning to construct the National Military Museum in the form of a defense district at Dazhi District of Taipei City. Following the principles of software before hardware, planning comprehensively, and developing in
sequential phases, prescribed by the President and the Executive Yuan, and taking into account of examples of international military (war) museums, the MND has been designing the museum to effectively preserve military historical items for future study and display, and to promote all-out defense education.

In order to strengthen practical mobilization preparations and validate mobilization performance, the MND has been conducting the All-out Defense Mobilization (codenamed Wan-An) Exercises, in tandem with the National Disaster Prevention and Relief Exercises of the Executive Yuan, focused on complex disaster prevention and relief practices.

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