Part 4. All-out Defense

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Chapter 8. Military-Civilian Collaboration
/Section 2. Joint Maritime Patrols and Fishery Protection

The ROC Navy is not only the bulwark defending our territorial waters, but also serves as a solid line of defense for our fishermen. Recently, in addition to carrying out maritime patrols and protecting our territorial waters, during the fishing seasons in areas around Taiwan our navy will conduct joint fishery protection missions with the Coast Guard Administration (CGA) vessels to ensure the safety of our fishermen and fishing operations within the EEZ of our country.

I. Policy Guidelines and Objectives

The ROC Armed Forces have been conducting routine joint fishery protection missions and exercises with CGA vessels within our EEZs according to the Joint Fishery Protection Action Initiative between the Coast Guard Administration and the MND and the Maritime Operations Comprehensive Support Protocol, so as to fulfill our policy goal that CGA vessels provide protection where the fishery operations of the people are conducted, and the presence of CGA vessels is guarded by naval vessels. By so doing, we can
demonstrate the government's determination in safeguarding our sovereignty, exercise legal controls over our territorial waters, and protect our fishery operations.

II. Improving the Effect iveness of Joint Fishery Protection

(I)We have been monitoring the waters with intense fishery operations around Taiwan during fishing seasons, and f lexibly deploying naval vessels for f ishery protection in coordination with CGA fishery protection vessels, so as to fulfill the purpose of routine joint fishery protection.

(II)We have been keeping a verification process with the CGA through a communications mechanism, so as to share information, conduct joint fishery protection drills, and maintain routine exchange visits in order to lay a sound and solid foundation for cooperation.

III. Implementation Results

(I)From 2014 to August 2015, we have assigned over 1,460 sorties of combat air patrol (CAP) and 1,060 vessel sorties of maritime patrol for joint ISR missions, operational preparedness exercises, and routine joint fishery protection missions.  

(II)In February and May 2014, we conducted joint fishery protection drills with the CGA in order to validate the command and control,communications, search and rescue efforts for maritime distresses, and intelligence sharing and disseminating operations among the Navy, Air Force and CGA.

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