Part 3. National Defense Capabilities

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Chapter 5. National Defense Force
/Section 4. Consolidating Information and Electronic Warfare Capabilities

Our communication, information and electronic warfare preparedness has taken the enemy threats, our operational concepts and actual joint operations requirements into consideration. In accordance with our Ten-Year Force Buildup Concept and Five-year Force Buildup Plan, we are consolidating our command and control systems, communication and information platforms, network and EW capacities in an increasingly complex electromagnetic environment. The goal is to establish a highly robust network centric joint operations command and control system with multiple back-up measures to support the operations of our Armed Forces.

I . Improving Communicat ion and Informat ion Infrastructure

The communications and information system of the ROC Armed Forces integrates both government and privately operated communication and information resources, and employs universal information and communication technology standards and specifications with synchronous fiber-optic networks and communications and information systems serving as the main trunk lines. Cable and wireless networks, satellites and multi-routers, redundant backup, as well as secure and anti-interference high speed broadband transmission platforms have been established to offer voice communications, data, video and information services at the Joint Operations Command Center, posts at strategic level and various bases (and positions).

II. Strengthening the Command and Control Capabilities of Joint Operations

To effectively maximize the potential of digital command and control capabilities, we have continued to expand the fleet of our main aerial (and naval) data link platforms. Major sensors and various strategic command posts of the Army, Navy and Air Force have been integrated to enhance joint operations command and control performance. We are also actively participating in international organizations and meetings to acquire foreign operational capabilities of data link as well as the latest technological information. We have integrated our industrial cooperation (offset) plan with domestic industries so as to strengthen our self-reliant operational and maintenance capabilities and enhance operational effectiveness of the data link of the ROC Armed Forces.

III. Integrating Electronic Warfare Capabilities

To improve the flexibility of battlefield EW command and control, the ROC Armed Forces joint EW operations has integrated electromagnetic (EM) spectrum management with decision-making support platforms. We have continued developing and acquiring various EW support, protective and countermeasure systems, and established various information and electronic defense standard operating procedures to ensure the integrity of our information and electronic resources, the usability of our command and control systems, as well as our freedom of actions. We have been also developing key EW technologies to establish EM superiority in the Taiwan Strait to provide effective support for our joint operations.

IV. Enhancing Information Security and Protection Capabilities

We have continued to enhance the performance of our Information Security and Protection Management Center while implementing exclusive network usage measures. Information security courses are constantly provided to various training and educational classes in order to enhance the awareness of information security amongst service members. The ROC Armed Forces are guided by the National Security Bureau as well as the National Information & Communication Security Taskforce (NICST) to establish a joint operations data security and protection mechanism. We shall take the opportunities of various exercises and training to put the concept of Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP) into practice so as to strengthen our overall national information security protection capabilities.

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