Part 2. National Defense Policy

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Chapter 3. National Defense Policy Plans
/Section 1. Main Themes of National Defense Policy

The ROC defense policy is mainly focused upon building a Hard ROC defense force to which we have to carry out series of policy implementation efforts. The main themes of our current defense policy are as follows: to build credible operational capabilities, demonstrate defensive resolve, maintain regional stability, forge intangible combat capabilities, enhance disaster prevention and relief, promote the volunteer military system, and improve care for service members.

I. Build Credible Operational Capabilities 

The MND has been constantly acquiring and developing new weapons and equipment, building up innovative / asymmetric capabilities, and rectifying its size and structure so as to establish an elite military force. The MND has also been fine-tuning its self-sufficient mechanism for acquiring armament; thus, coupled with the powerbase of the people, we may deter the enemy from provoking hostilities.

II. Demonstrate Defensive Resolve

With the policy goal of establishing self-reliant national defense in mind, the MND has proposed a reasonable defense budget from available government funds to procure defensive weapons to our needs. Moreover, the MND has perfected its mobilization operations for both peacetime and wartime, and improved the effectiveness of all-out defense education so as to develop a sense of mutual trust with the people, and merge military with them together to form a solid all-out defense force to demonstrate our combined strong will and resolve in protecting national security.

III. Safeguard Regional Stability

Matching up with the government's comprehensive diplomatic efforts, the MND has been making high level exchange visits, security dialogues, and academic exchanges with foreign counterparts to promote military exchanges, and expand regional military and security cooperation. The MND, in conformity with the President's East China Sea Peace Initiative and South China Sea Peace Initiative, has always been safeguarding the sovereignty of our islands and maritime rights, and working together with Asia Pacific countries in promoting regional security and stability.

IV. Forge Intangible Combat Capabilities

The MND upholds the fine military traditions of country, duty, and honor, and has been forging service members' mentality of perseverance to fight and resolve of self-defense. In addition, the MND has been vigorously pursuing eradication of corruption and pushing forward counter-espionage activities so as to build ethically untainted military forces, and win the respect and support of the general public.

V. Enhance Disaster Prevention and Relief

The MND is guided by the principle that disaster relief is akin to fighting a battle and the directives of forward deployment, early stationing, and instant reaction to strengthen ROC Armed Forces' preparations for disaster prevention and relief operations so as to provide adequate assistance in these operations as requested by law.

VI. Promote the Volunteer Military System

To reap more positive results for recruiting and retaining enlisted members, the MND, joining hands with the government, has been considering the aspects of pay, dignity, and career opportunities after military service for them, and conducting multiple measures, such as refining internal management, improving service environment, and permitting advanced education during off hours, etc., to encourage young people to serve and then stay in the military. Consequently, the MND may attain the goal of a sustainable volunteer military system for stable recruitment and retention.

VII. Improve Care for Service Members

The MND has been incessantly providing care measures for service members. Aside from proposing the Statute of Welfare for Military Service Members to establish a legal basis for service members and their families' entitlement to their benefits and wellbeing, the MND has been renovating their living quarters, strengthening protection for their rights and interests, enhancing services for military families, and assisting in career planning so as to consolidate their support, and maintain a safe and sound atmosphere in their families.

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